Trauma Focused Therapy


     Do you experience any of the following:

  • Disturbing dreams

  • Flashbacks of difficult memories

  • Intrusive or disturbing thoughts

  • Panic or feelings of dread

  • Feeling paranoid or unsafe for no reason

  • Feeling as if you are in a dream or that you aren't real


If you can identify with the description above, you may be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or another trauma disorder. This can be from the impact of a recent event or even be related to painful childhood experiences.  Trauma can come in many forms and from many different types of situations.  If you are feeling easily agitated, are having mood swings, are having trouble sleeping or notice an increase in drugs or alcohol, you could be experiencing a response to a traumatic event or memory. 

Living with the impact of traumatic events can be very challenging.  It can cause problems in your relationships as well as your ability to maintain employment. Some people experience trauma due to abuse or neglect in childhood, others have experienced the impact of war or natural disasters. In many of these cases, individuals may have seen someone whose life was in danger or felt afraid for their own physical wellbeing. These types of experiences alter the way we view the world and can hold us back from living our best lives.

Extreme Trauma and PTSD impacts 13 million per year in the United States.

According to the Sidran Institute for Traumatic Stress & Advocacy risk factors for developing PTSD include: 

  • Anyone who has been victimized or has witnessed a violent act, or who has been repeatedly exposed to life-threatening situations. This includes survivors of:

    • Domestic or intimate partner violence

    • Rape or sexual assault or abuse

    • Physical assault such as mugging or carjacking

    • Other random acts of violence such as those that take place in public, in schools, or in the workplace

    • Children who are neglected or sexually, physically, or verbally abused, or adults who were abused as children

    • Survivors of unexpected events in everyday life such as:

      • Car accidents or fires

      • Natural disasters, such as tornadoes or earthquakes

      • Major catastrophic events such as a plane crash or terrorist act

      • Disasters caused by human error, such as industrial accidents

    • Combat veterans or civilian victims of war

    • Those diagnosed with a life-threatening illness or who have undergone invasive medical procedures

    • Professionals who respond to victims in trauma situations, such as, emergency medical service workers, police, firefighters, military, and search and rescue workers

    • People who learn of the sudden unexpected death of a close friend or relative


Treatment of trauma begins with a trusting relationship.  Before meeting, we will speak briefly on the phone.  I will answer any questions or concerns you might have, then ask you to complete a brief intake form. This will prepare us for our first session which can last between 60-90 minutes.  We focus on providing a safe, supportive environment where we can work together to help you regain a sense of safety,  I combine psychodynamic practices and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to address and process the trauma, teach relaxation techniques, and help you form healthy coping skills. This can be combined with desensitization techniques which help you how to respond to memories and stressors at a pace you can control. I also use body oriented therapies to better help you feel safe and reduce physical feelings of panic. Psychotherapy can help you understand and make meaning from painful experiences in a way that can serve you. 

You are always in charge of your trauma treatment, and the goal is to always meet you where you are, providing support as you work through challenging thoughts and emotions. Trauma therapy allows you to work on building resiliency and self confidence as well as improved stress management. 


Don't I have to relive scary memories over and over during trauma therapy?

No.  In fact, in some types of therapy, you are never required to revisit or discuss traumatizing events. You are always in control of your treatment and you never have to talk about anything if you don't want to. 

Doesn't trauma therapy take a long time?

While it's true that fully healing from trauma can take some time and commitment, feeling relief from the symptoms of trauma should not have to take long. In fact, in our first session we will begin looking for ways that you already feel relief.  It is my goal that you leave the first session benefiting from our meeting and walking away with some level of relief.    

Isn't trauma therapy expensive?

Often, when we have had a history of trauma, we might also have a history of being around others that struggle with self care.  One aspect of self care is the willingness to invest in ourselves and the trust that our investment will provide a return.  Trauma therapy is an opportunity for you to invest in yourself and your wellbeing. I work in a results-oriented way, meaning we will measure your progress as we go along.  If you feel we are going in the wrong direction, we re evaluate and adjust.  The goal for all therapy is that it is a valuable, life-changing investment for you. 


Still have questions? Feel free to call - 347.994.9301 for a free 15 minute consultation.